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Hello there, I'm Ashley!

I’m a seasoned creative with a passion for empowering women leaders. I wear my  Towson University alumna badge proudly, having earned my Bachelor of Science  in Mass Communication back in 2012. For years, I've been navigating the dynamic realm  of digital marketing, and it's been quite the ride!


But what truly drives me is my little guy, my 'first sonshine,' who keeps me inspired every day.  Parenthood has a way of reminding us that life's most meaningful moments are worth cherishing. When I take my own CEO hat off, you'll often find me indulging in my guilty pleasure - TV and movies. It's my way of unwinding and spending precious 'me time.' Speaking of  guilty pleasures, tacos are my absolute favorite food. If I could, I'd probably eat them  every day, but my doctor insists on moderation.  


Originally hailing from Maryland, I was raised in the sweet tea-loving state of Georgia.  So, it's no surprise that sweet tea is my go-to drink for those moments of southern nostalgia. I'm here to make your life a little less complicated, so you can enjoy the things that truly matter. Join me in embracing the grace of collaboration,  and together, we'll navigate the path to success.

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